daily gloom

Published on 12 November 2022 at 01:19

More doom and gloom today. Economy shrank. Nurses will go on strike, The police have new powers that they’ve used to arrest journalists… They are preparing the populace for ‘hard ti,mes’ ahead. No one talks about Brexit, which is generally referred to as ‘the B word’… people refuse to see or accept the reality of things but cling on to the idea of Fearless Britannia ruling the waves… it’s both depressing and infuriating. Will we need more pain for the so called people to wake up? Probably… The next two years will be tough and then it will depend on the level of subordination to America this country will accept to keep things going… at the moment, we are large,ly ignored by them due to Brexit shenanigans… seeing a country move backwards is so dispiriting and hopeless. 

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