
Published on 6 October 2022 at 17:14

Trussonomics, is the new theory thar is official state policy in the United Kingdom of Nod! It woks like this: 

1.  put a Tory muppet in No 10

2. het her/him a crystal ball, having previously rigged it to show     Margaret Thatcher saying the words taxcuts, flags, growth repeatedly, 

3. Explain this to the muppet that Maggie says: (… put whateber your organisatopn wants, e.g. tax cuts fpr the rich, sell NHS, 

4. crash the pound 

5. downgrade the country’s credit rating 

6. attend a conference 

7. Say the word GROWTH tthree times 

9. Sit down and expect the magic to happen

10. ? 

Make Brtain Great Again (or something like that) 

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